Dean of Library Services

The Dean of Library Services is responsible for providing vision, leadership, and oversight for all aspects of the library’s services and programs.

The dean is a member of the President’s Leadership Council and leads the Library Management Team, serves ex officio on the Library Advisory Board, and represents Cal Poly on the CSU-wide Council of Library Deans (COLD).

Adriana Popescu (she/her/hers)
Dean of Library Services
805-756-2622 | E-mail | Office: 35-Chase 115-202

Library Management Team members

Chandler Rashley (She/her/hers)
Personnel Manager
805-756-5785 | E-mail | Office: 35-Chase Hall 115-203

Nikki DeMoville (she/her/hers)
Senior Manager of Collections Strategy & Discovery
805-756-5780 | E-mail | Office: 35-Chase Hall 115/206

Jessica Holada (she/her/hers)
Director of Special Collections & Archives
805-756-5771 | E-mail | Office: 35-115-210B

Katherine O'Clair (she/her/hers)
Associate Dean for Academic Services
805-756-2690 | E-mail | Office: 35-109 Crandall Gym, bld. 60