Student Library Advisory Council

Who we are

The Student Library Advisory Council (SLAC) for Kennedy Library is a student-run committee that advocates for library improvements and programs positively impacting every student’s library experience. Through dialog with library faculty and staff, SLAC members ensure that the student perspective is heard and considered, especially during these ever-changing circumstances. Our vision is to inspire community-focused library improvements through collaboration between the staff and the students. Student input and support are critical to the library’s ability to meet student needs.

What we do

SLAC meets regularly to discuss and advise on issues that directly affect students. Library advisors consult with the group to develop and seek input on a variety of issues, including:

  • Advocating for resources for library services and programs that students need.
  • Raising student awareness of how library services and programs can help them succeed.
  • Share ideas on design and implementation of new library spaces and services.

Future Projects

  • Participate in gathering insights and conduct user testing to help with the redesign of the Kennedy Library website.
  • Provide feedback for the library website once it is launched.
  • Continue to provide student perspective and advocate for their needs throughout the library renovation.
  • Share ideas for the implementation of new library spaces and services after the renovation.


Interested in getting involved with the Student Library Advisory Council? Please fill out this form to let us know you’re interested and we will get back to you. 

Meeting times

The council meets in person monthly and as needed with the day/time based on our members’ quarterly schedules.

2023-24 Library Advisors

  • Leyla Cabugos, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Librarian
  • Cassandra Swartzwelder, Resource Sharing and Collection Specialist

Past Projects

  • Implemented the first Textbook Giveback —a program dedicated to making textbook donations easy. This program contributed over $10,000 worth of course materials to the Course Reserves that increased student’s ability to check out textbooks.
  • Conducted focus groups to determine valued library services to be implemented during the Kennedy Library renovation.
  • Proposed solutions and improvements for security, mental health and basic needs resources in the library.
  • Recommended the addition of the 24/7 chat box functionality on all pages of the Kennedy Library website resulting in increased accessibility for users.