Give to the library

Creating our future together: The Kennedy Library is at the forefront of supporting Cal Poly’s unique Learn by Doing mission.
Your gifts have a tremendous impact on our future together. We invite you discover where your vision and ours come together. Please explore the many different ways that you can make a gift today.

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Thank you for all that you do!



Student Assistants

Assistantships emphasize the development of practical skills and help offset the cost of education.


New Technologies

Help students learn in an innovative and professional environment utilizing advanced technology.


Library Collections

Collections, both print and digital, are resources that lay the foundation of research and education at Cal Poly.


Special Collections

Growing access to unique materials requires increased investment in preservation and digitization.


Learn by Doing Scholar

These library sponsored annual awards encourage research on Cal Poly’s core pedagogy.


Digital Publishing Project

View our Vlog series as we investigate, develop, and pilot digital publishing solutions.


Building Transformation Project

We are reimagining the future Kennedy Library – its spaces, services, and experiences.