Jeanine Scaramozzino
Librarian, Philip and Christina Bailey College of Science & Mathematics and School of Education
Academic Services
- jscaramo@calpoly.edu
- 805-756-5677
- room 25-203 Faculty Offices East
Jeanine Scaramozzino is a faculty member at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. She currently serves as the Librarian for the College of Science and Mathematics and the School of Education. She is responsible for instructional, collection development, and outreach needs for seven departments (11 majors, 29 minors and concentrations, 7 master’s degrees, and 5 credential programs) and for supporting research and scholarship of campus faculty, staff, and students. Ms. Scaramozzino has served as the Cal Poly Academic and Scholarly Communications (ASC) Coordinator, Institutional Repository Librarian, Data and GIS Services Librarian, and Interim Engineering Librarian. She was formerly the Physics, Astronomy, and Mathematics Librarian for UC Irvine, a reference and instructional librarian for a number of California community colleges, and worked at Stanford University’s Hopkins Marine Station Library. Ms. Scaramozzino has Bachelor's and Master’s degrees in Biology from the University of California Santa Cruz, an MLIS from San Jose State University, and a History MA from Cal Poly.