Academic and Scholarly Communication Services

Vision statement

Advance the collection, discovery, accessibility, preservation, and impact of Cal Poly student, staff, and faculty research and scholarship by creating and implementing innovative services. Contribute to the Research Information Ecosystem (Cal Poly “Research Core”)


The library will play an important role in measuring impact and communicating the value of the Learn By Doing curriculum to internal stakeholders and external entities. Our mission is to provide foundational and educational tools for students, staff, faculty, and the university in order to curate, highlight, and raise the visibility of Cal Poly research, with the end goal of increasing external and internal funding. We strive to support Cal Poly researchers understand, improve, and reinforce the skills associated with data curation from creation to sharing.

Program goals

The program goals can be divided into a number of categories: outreach to and collaboration with internal and external stakeholders; education and training (ex. informatics, deep mining data, research tools, reputation management, publishing); technological infrastructure; assessment of tools and impact; and collection development. The ultimate goals are to empower researchers and to promote an understanding impact and return on investment to show value as a library, administration, Cal Poly.
